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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

HomeMadeira and Hesper Monitoring Project 2022

Madeira and Hesper Monitoring
Project 2022

July 9 - 10, 2022

To Learn More about the upcoming Monitoring Project please click Here






Past and Present Madeira / Hesper Monitoring Project Photos

Please join us for an adventure Diving the shipwrecks along the North Shore to help Monitor them for deterioration.
We will also be shooting some 3D Photogrammetry and raw video footage of the shipwreck for content needed for presentations the staff of the GLSPS has been asked to give to the Split Rock Light House Events this year.

Here is your chance to dive the Madeira and Hesper aboard the R/V Preservation and have a great time learning the process of our research as well!

Closing Report:

Here is a Newsletter Article written about the Hesper in the Great Lakes Boating Magazine by Ryan Beaty