Madeira and Hesper Monitoring Project 2017
July 22 - 23, 2017
2017 Madeira / Hesper Monitoring Project Photos Please join us for an adventure Diving the shipwrecks along the North Shore to help Monitor them for deterioration
During this project we are going to monitor the conditions of each shipwreck through visual observation drawings and also using both still and video photography.
The Madeira and Hesper have been underwater for a very long time. Mother nature has done a great job preserving them but she has beaten them up along the way. As divers we dive these shipwrecks and will eventually cause wear from diving them year after year. This is were volunteers from the GLSPS step in to help. With the joint effort of the Minnesota Historical Society (MHS) and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) the GLSPS tries to help stabilize and preserve these shipwrecks from further deterioration. We work closely with the state organizations and near by Cities near the shipwrecks, to gain access through special permitting to perform the underwater work we perform to preserve the shipwrecks and ultimately maritime history. Before we can do any of this, we need to document and monitor each shipwrecks deterioration characteristics. If the shipwreck looks like it's in danger of collapsing or is becoming a safety concern for divers, we formulate a preservation and stabilization plan and present it to the GLSPS Board of Directors. If the Board and MHS approve the plan, we go to work and implement the plan. We will also need to obtain permits from the MHS (and sometimes the DNR) to perform construction work on the shipwreck. If we complete the process like planned, it will help to preserve the shipwreck for many years. The shipwreck will be intact for future divers to be able to view, just like we saw when we first dived the shipwreck.
Here is the link to the Event Page - Madeira and Hesper Monitoring Project 2017