RV Preservation Cruise and BBQ 2017
June 4, 2017
The RV Preservation Cruise and BBQ was June 4, 2017. We had around 22 people participate in the event and after we all eat and socialized at the Spirit Lake Marina, we departed for a memorable cruise around the Duluth and Superior Harbors. A great time was had by all. Although the person (or should I say the little person) that had the most fun was Mac Mc Clure and his wife's grandson Drew. He had a AWESOME time cruising on the RV Preservation!!
This event is for all members to enjoy. We hope next year will be much larger. Please join us for the annual boat launch, BBQ and cruise for the GLSPS membership. It typically takes place the first weekend in June every year.
Here are photos of the event.
RV Preservation Cruise & BBQ 2017
We hope to see some new and old faces again next year!
GLSPS Board of Directors
Phil Kerber