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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

HomeGales of November

2022 Gales of November

November 11 - 12, 2022

Please join the GLSPS for the

2022 Gales of November Conference

Gales of November Conference 2022 Flyer

The GLSPS will have a booth table at the conference and will be presenting 3D Photogrammetry using Oculus Googles for participants to experience a virtual dive on a shipwreck


Please click on the button below to learn more about the LSMMA Gales of November Conference and view the program, speakers, related activities and to Register.

LSMMA / Gales of November Website

Gales of November 2022 - Full Schedule

Gales of November 2022 Speakers

Thank you for joining the LSMMA, Lake Superior Magazine and the GLSPS in helping preserve Maritime History.


Closing Report:

It was so nice to attend an in-person Gales of November Conference again.  The GLSPS staff that helped plan, haul, set up and take down again were so great!  They all played there part in making sure the GLSPS is represented at the 2022 Gales of November Conference as an exhibitor. 

The people that participated in helping the GLSPS at the Gales this year were,

1. Phil Kerber
2. Jim Christain
3. Ken Merryman
4. Ken Knutson
5. Linda Knutson
6. Dean Soderbeck
7. Jeff Lee
8. Tim Pranke
9. Corey Daniel - Also a Speaker at the Gales

Gales of November Conference 2022 Photos

At the Exhibitors booth Ken Merryman, the "3D Photogrammetry Chairman", set up the Virtual Reality part of the website to display and use the 3D Oculus Googles to show attendees of the conference the GLSPS latest program, the 3D Photogrammetry Database.  By dawning the googles you could virtually make a dive on a shipwreck and not get wet!  It was a great feeling and I thing many of the folks that actually tried it loved it.  It almost made people want to go out and purchase a set of Oculus googles to be able to virtually dive these shipwrecks.  Especially the folks that couldn't dive them.  

We also sold some apparel that we brought to the conference.  It was also a great opportunity to renew GLSPS memberships live and in-person.  Not to mention seeing old friends and making new ones.  The comradeship that you experience is awesome for those that attended.  None of us can't wait until we have another opportunity to be part of the conference again. 

They staff of the Gales of November set up quite a lineup and variety of speakers.   Please visit the LSMMA website at to see the lineup of speakers that were at the 2022 Gales of November Conference in Duluth.

A great time was had by all and will be looking forward to the next Gales of November Conference in 2023.

GLSPS Board of Directors

2021 Gales of November

November 04 - 05, 2021

Please join us for the

2021 Gales of November Conference

The Conference will be a Virtual Conference Only!

Please see Conference Flyer above to view the program, speakers and related activities.

To Learn More about the Conference,  
here is the link to the Sponsor's Website, "LSMMA"
"You can also obtain the Zoom Presentation Links on their website"

LSMMA / Gales of November Website

Here is the List of Conference Zoom Links to Join Each Day. 

Gales of November 2021 Speaker Topics and Zoom Links

Thank you for joining the LSMMA, Lake Superior Magazine and the GLSPS in helping preserve Maritime History.

GLSPS Board of Directors

2020 Gales of November

November 10 - 14, 2020

Please join us for the

2020 Gales of November Conference

The Conference will be a Virtual Conference Only!

Please see Conference Flyer above to view the program, speakers and related activities.

To Learn More about the Conference,  
here is the link to the Sponsor's Website, "LSMMA"
"You can also obtain the Zoom Presentation Links on their website"

LSMMA / Gales of November Website

Here is the List of Conference Zoom Links to Join Each Day. 

Gales of November 2020 Speaker Topics and Zoom Links

Thank you for joining the LSMMA, Lake Superior Magazine and the GLSPS in helping preserve Maritime History.

GLSPS Board of Directors

Closing Report:

This was the first time as long as all of us can remember that the Gales of November was presented in a Zoom Webinar.  There were a lot of firsts in 2020 as I'm sure you are all aware of.

Though it is always a better experience to present physical conferences and shows, the show must go on.  Thank goodness for the technological world that's available to us these days we are able to present a "Virtual Online Event". 

The LSMMA President Konnie Le May was a good sport and moderated the Virtual Conference and did a great Job!   I think we are all getting used to communicating using Zoom Online Meetings or Webinars.  They have both!  Depending on what size you are expecting to attend, you will need to purchase the correct Zoom System to accommodate for the audience.

The speakers where super each night they had the webinar.  (See above flyer).  Are very own Board of Director and Project Leader Ken Merryman and Jerry Eliason gave a presentation at the Saturday afternoon segment of the event on the Discovery of the Pere Marquette 18 in Lake Michigan.

The LSMMA is looking for donations and for you to either renew you membership or join as a new member.  Please take a moment to go to their website by using the above link.

The conference may not have been the normal get-together we are used to but it was certainly an awesome way to be able to connect with each other despite the current Pandemic.

Thank you Konnie and the LSMMA for putting on another great Virtual Conference know as the "Gales of November".  We all hope we can meet physically again soon.  Or at least by November 2021.

GLSPS Board of Directors

Gales of November Conference 2019

November 1 - 2, 2019
To Learn More, Please Click on The Links Below

   Gales of November Conference Website

Gales of November Program Schedule



Please Join the 
for the
Gales of November Conference

Date, Time and Locations: 

Friday, November 1, 2019
2:30 to 6:30 PM
Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center

Saturday, November 2, 2019
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Duluth DECC

The Opening Reception will be Friday Evening at the Hoops Brewery 325 S Lake Av. Canal Park Duluth (by Red Lobster) 
5:00 to 6:30 PM

Please see flyer for details about speakers by clicking on link above

The GLSPS will once again support our friends and Associates of the LSMMA by Presenting a Booth Table in the Exhibitors Room

You Can Renew your Membership, Learn more about our Participation in the Preservation of Maritime History, Purchase Apparel Along With Other Items For Sale.  Or, any other information you might be seeking to Collect
(We always have a t-shir
t sale)

AT the Gales of November on Saturday, you will be able to enjoy 
multipal speakers on great topics.

Luncheon Presenter Joel Stone,  about the 
"History of Commercial Vessels" 
11:45 to 1:00 PM 

The Latest Shipwreck Discoveries by Jerry Eliason 
(Shipwreck Hunter and GLSPS Program Leader)

   GLSPS Booth at the Gales of November 2018

Please join the GLSPS for some end of the season fun!! 

On Sunday, November 3, 2019, we are  looking for help with covering the GLSPS RV Preservation Research Vessel for the final process for winter layup.  Please join us around 10 AM Until 2:00 PM.  We would surely appreciate it!

Closing Report:

Coming soon after the Conference is over.

Gales of November Conference 2018

November 2 - 3, 2018
To Learn More, Please Click on This Link

   Gales of November Conference

Please Join the 
for the
Gales of November Conference
at the Duluth DE
   Saturday November 3, 2018
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

The GLSPS will once again support our friends and Associates of the LSMMA by Presenting a Booth Table in the Exhibitors Room

You Can Renew your Membership, Learn more about our upcoming show, Purchase Apparel and Other Items For Sale and any other information you might be seeking
(We always have a t-shir
t sale)

A Special Raffle will be available to purchase Tickets for a Chance to Win "CASH"

Luncheon and Presenter Brett Seymoure will be at Friday 12:00 Noon 

The Opening Reception will be Friday Evening at the Lake Superior Magazine Offices Downtown Duluth
6:00 to 9:00 PM

                                                               Please Join us for this Fun and Relaxing Event!

To learn more about the Conference activities and speakers, please click on link below.

Gales of November Conference 2018

Please join the GLSPS for some end of the season fun!! 

Closing Report:

The Gales of November presented another great show.  This year the show was mainly sponsored and run by Lake Superior Magazine and one of their main Editors and Writers, Konnie Le May.  She did a great job in the short time she had to put it all together.  She did have help from the Lake Superior Marine Museum Association (LSMMA) which is what this Fund Raiser is mostly about.  Click here to see a few photos of the Exhibitors area.

All the speakers were great and Kudos to all that helped choose this year's twelve speakers.  The GLSPS Board of Directors would also like to congratulate Fred Stone House for receiving the Maritime History Achievement Award from Konnie Le May at the Lake Superior Magazine.  Fred is a very dynamic speaker and has given presentations at many of the past Gales of November Conferences.  He has also given many presentations at the UMSAT Show in Minneapolis.

Speakers at the Show:


1. Brett Seymour - A Deep Dive into our Submerged History
2. Dennis O'Hara - A Behind the Scenes Look at the Duluth Harbor Cams
3. Tony Dierckins - Naturally Brewed, Naturally Better:  150 years of Making Beer with Lake Superiors Water.
4. Grant Merritt - Iron and Water.


5. Richard Harvey - Diving Canada's North-Shore
6. Fred Stonehouse Cruising the Inland Seas
7. Paul C La Marre III - More Than a Job, Living the Lakes.
8. Tom Crossman - The POV of an ROV Expert
9. Roger Pellet - A Whale of a Tail - Lake Superiors Most Distinctive Ships.
10. Tamara Thomsen - National Register Nomination Process
11. Christain Dalbec - Over and Under the Big Waves.
12. David and Heather Gerth - Preserving a Lost Way of Life:  The Restoration of the Rock of Ages Lighthouse in Isle Royale. 

Those of us that represented the GLSPS at the Gales of November through our involvement as an exhibitor had a great time once again.  We hope the show continues to grow to be able continue the get-together among the maritime history community and to make the necessary funds to help the LSMMA to achieve their goals.   

If you have any comments or concerns about the Gales or the GLSPS, please contact us with the email below.

We hope to see more participation from the GLSPS Members in upcoming Gales of November Conferences.

GLSPS Board of Directors

Gales of November Conference 2017

November 3 - 4, 2017

Click Here for more details

Please Join the
for the
Gales of November Conference
at the Duluth DE
  9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

We will have our Booth in the Exhibitors Room
You Can Renew your Membership, Learn more about our upcoming show, Purchase Apparel and Other Items For Sale and any other information you might be seeking
(We always have a t-shir
t sale)

A Special Raffle will be available to purchase Tickets for a Chance to Win "CASH"

Closing Reception at Grandma's in the Upstairs Lounge
5:30 - 7:30 PM

Please Join us for this Fun and Relaxing Event!

To learn more about the Conference activities and speakers, please click on link below.

Gales of November Conference 2017

Special Announcement: 
Please join the GLSPS Staff and others for a fun event after the Conference Aboard the M/V Wenonah.
Please ask for details at the GLSPS booth.  Theme this year - "The Life's Aquatic - "The Movie" 


Gales of November 2016

To Learn More About the Event, Please Click on Link Below
Enter the Annual "Cruise of a Lifetime" Contest by Purchasing your Tickets at the Event or Online
Drawing for the big winner is at the end of the Conference on Saturday!!
Please Join the GLSPS and Other Exhibitors for the Last Get -together for the Year
The GLSPS will be Exhibiting at Event Again!
Please Stop by the GLSPS Booth to See What's New and Exciting the the Society, what we did the past year to preserve Maritime History
You Can Also Stop By to Renew Your Memberships.
If you not a member, you can sign up as a New Member at the Booth
Please Join us to see our own Ken Merryman Give a Great Presentation on the Newly Discovered Shipwrecks Him, and His Fellow Associate Shipwreck Hunters Discovered Just a few Months Ago!
Associate Exhibitors
Lake Superior Magazine
BSA Venture Crew 820 Logo
BSA Venture Crew 820
Superior Public Museums

Wsiconsin Historical Society "Press"
Wisconsin Historical Society

North Shore Scenic Cruises
Please join the GLSPS LSMMA Speakers and Others After the Conference aboard the "Winona"
for a Night Harbor Cruise
(Please let Jay Hanson Know if you are joining us).
We hope to see you at the Gales of November Conference 2016
Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society
Board of Directors

Gales of November 2008: Shipwreck and Diving Program

The 11th Annual Gales of November shipwreck and diving program will be held in Duluth, Minnesota, on Saturday, November 7th, at the Radisson Hotel. Programs run throughout the day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with an evening dinner program planned for 6:30 p.m. Lunch will be on your own.

Proceeds from this year's event go to the Lake Superior Marine Museum Association, which assists the Corps of Engineers in programming and exhibits at the Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center in Duluth, the most-visited marine museum on the Great Lakes.

Program presenters will be coming from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. And there will be displays on diving equipment, charter operations, publications and more, available throughout the day.

Tickets and more information for the 11th Annual Gales of November are available through this year's host: Lake Superior Marine Museum Association, P.O. Box 177, Duluth, MN 55801-0177, or by calling 218-727-2497. Tickets for the day of programming will be available by mail or at the door. However, dinner reservations must be paid for in advance and received by November 1. Day program is $15.00 and the dinner and evening program is $20.00. Payment can be in cash or check payable to Lake Superior Marine Museum Association. Sorry, credit cards cannot be accepted.

A small block of special rate rooms ($59.00 + tax) has been set aside for the 6th and 7th at the Radisson Hotel for conference attendees. Register by calling 218-727-8981 and mention this conference.

Planned programs include the following, subject to change:
  • Great Lakes Underwater: A Diver's Updateby C. Patrick Labadie, Director, Corps of Engineers' Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center, Duluth, Minnesota.
  • A Celebration of Statehood: Wisconsin Sesquicentennial as seen Underwaterby Jeff Gray and John Jensen, Wisconsin State Underwater Archaeologists, Madison, Wisconsin.
  • A Cold Dark Hart. The story of producing a video documentary on the wreck of the JUDGE HART in northern Lake Superior with dive partner and co-producer Darryl Ertel, presented by Matt Turchi, sport diver, videographer, and wreck researcher from Flint, Michigan.
  • Steam Power: A Diver's Perspectiveby Ken Merryman, President, Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society, Fridley, Minnesota.
  • Isle Royale's General Management Plan: Impacts on Diving and SCUBA Managementby Liz Valencia, Branch Chief, Cultural Resources Management, Isle Royale National Park, Houghton, Michigan.
  • Subduction: Ice Diving Beneath the Keweenaw Pressure Ridges, where ice can reach depths of 80 feet, by Bill Reynolds, sport diver from Hancock, Michigan.
  • Matt Turchi will present the dinner program entitledThe GUNILDA Project. The story of researching, diving, logistics, filming, and producing a video documentary and research report on one of Ontario's most famous shipwrecks with co-producer and dive partner Darryl Ertel.
Additional information is available by email, just note November Gales in subject