SS America Preservation Project on Hold Again
After two years of allowing GLSPS to make emergency repairs on the America, the National Park Service again put the SS America Preservation Project on hold until they resolve certain "compliance issues." In 2000 the project was initially put on hold for the same reason and so far the park management has not made any progress in resolving the issues. (For details on the issues involved, see the America Project 2000 report.) Luckily, I noticed no new deterioration this year. After discussions with the park we all agreed to make a concerted effort to get caught up on a backlog of reports, paperwork, and dealing with the larger issues of how the national standards for managing shipwreck sites should be changed. Although these set backs are frustrating, the value of an organization like GLSPS is that we can maintain our persistence in reaching our goal of preserving our shipwrecks.