After five years of patiently working with and prodding the Minnesota DNR the
Hesper break wall access became a reality in September 2003. Divers can now drive out on the break wall at the Silver Bay Marina, drop off their gear at the turnaround, then move their car to the parking lot while they are diving. There are concrete benches to use to suit up and some simple concrete steps down the rock break wall to the water. At water level there is a larger staging area to do your final suiting-up or for removing your gear after the dive. The steps are inconspicuous and do not ruin the esthetics of the marina or break wall. ( I didn't know break walls had esthetics.) The access puts you about 75 feet from the wreck which now makes the
Hesper the most accessible wreck on the North Shore.
GLSPS was the driving force that worked with Trails and Waterways divisions of DNR to plan the break-wall access to the
Hesper and with the DNR project engineers to see the project through. We are pleased with the results of our cooperation with the MnDNR.
If there is one thing we have learned in working with government agencies, is that patience and persistence pays off which is why these access projects are ongoing. Our many thanks to the folks we worked with in the DNR.