Please Join us for a "FREE" Tour to The HCMC Hyperbaric Chamber Facilities in Minneapolis
Treatment Area Inside the Hyperbaric Chamber
HCMC Representative Demonstrating Procedure if Fire Would Start
The GLSPS would like to invite members, Guests and Non Members to join us in a "Free" tour of the HCMC Hyperbaric Chamber Facilities down town Minneapolis.
Please click on this link to learn more about the New HCMC Hyperbaric Chamber.
We arranged for two free tours. The two dates we reserved are both in the afternoon starting at 2:00 PM and going until 4:00 PM. If you are interested in participating in the free tour, please choose the date you prefer below and please register bu clicking on the "Register Now" button.
This free tour is only available to GLSPS Members, Guests and non members. You will need to register to participate.
This event will fill up fast so do not hesitate to Register Now.
Thank you for your support as a member
GLSPS Board of Directors
HCMC Hyperbaric Chamber Tour
Closing Report
This year the free HCMC Hyperbaric Chamber Tour didn't have as many attendees to enjoy the tour. However, those that attended, enjoyed the tour emensily.
We are not sure if we will have another free tour for 2016 so if you missed out, we are sorry that you couldn't make it. We may have another tour in two years and try to schedule it in the morning instead. We noticed that many are not able to make the afternoon tour.
Those that attended we hope you had a great time and learn more about the Hyperbaric Chamber and how it works for us as divers.
We hope to see you on a future tour.
GLSPS Board of Directors.