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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

HomeEventsMembership Cruise and BBQ

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Only 20 Spot(s) Left
Membership Cruise and BBQ

Date and Time

Sunday, June 4, 2017, 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM


Spirit Lake Marina
121 Spring St
Duluth, MN  55808

Event Contact(s)

Kenneth Knutson
612-578-1551 (p)


GLSPS Events

Registration Info

Registration is required
Please bring your smiles and expect a good time rubbing elbows with the GLSPS and staff of the R/V Preservation.
Please bring your cameras and expect a nice cruise on the river or a tour of the Harbor.


25 Total Slots
20 Available Slot(s)

About this event

Membership Appreciation Cruise and BBQ on the RV Preservation
Sunday June 4, 2017
Please Note:  This event requires additional paperwork to participate.
Please print, read and sign the GLSPS Liability Release and Waiver Forms before the event by clicking on this link,   GLSPS Master Liability Waivers - Medical Forms for Projects  
You can discard the Medical Forms for this event!

Departure and Return Times on Sunday:

10:00 AM:  Depart for a two hour cruise south on the St Louis River. 
12:00 Noon: Returning to the Spirit Lake Marina. (To have lunch).

12:00 PM:  Join us for a BBQ Lunch and socializing.  (2 hours).

2:00 PM:  Depart for an additional two hour cruise south on the St Louis River and
4:00 PM.  Returning to the Spirit Lake Marina.

Please note:  Depending on the group, we may opt for cruising north on the River to tour the Duluth and Superior Harbors.

5:00 PM:  Clean up and depart for home.

Space on the boat is limited
You will need to Register Online by clicking the link on the right side of this page.  We need a head count to order the proper amount of food and reserve enough space on the boat. 

You can also contact any of the the people below if you are interested in joining us for the official launch and cruise weekend.
Please Note:  If you are receiving this notice from the GLSPS and it ends up in your "Spam" or "Junk Folder", please right click it and approve the emails that come from the GLSPS. Thanks.

Thank you and hope to see you there!



GLSPS Board of Directors


Ken Knutson

Boat Committee Chairman


Phil Kerber
GLSPS President