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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

News Stories

The GLSPS Sponsors its First Underwater Project of the year

Published on 7/24/2012



The GLSPS sponsored the Documentation, Photo and Video Practice Project July 21 -22, 2012.  The project was initially going to be June 9- 10 2012 but was combined with this project because the S.P. Ely Documentation Project offers the same opportunity for practicing taking photos and video.  The other reason was because of the issues of time and transporting the R/V Preservation up to Sliver Bay Marina we had to combine the two projects.  This is where the Board of Directors decided to slip the boat this year because most of the projects were in the area and the boat needed to be used for the Mc Cargoe Cove Survey in Isle Royale.  The flooding along the North Shore was also a deciding factor of why and when to move the boat.


When the July 21 -22 Documentation, Photo and Video Practice Project grew near we found out that the visibility was compromised by the recent flooding along the north shore of Lake Superior.  Consequently, the S.P Ely had 3 feet of visibility and we could not perform Documentation practice on the shipwreck.


The projects must go on!!  Said Phil Kerber, President of the GLSPS.  So the project continued with the project by diving the Hesper and the Madeira to shoot and practice taking pictures and video of the shipwrecks.  We did not perform any documentation because most of the divers didn't take the previously offered documentation training course.  We were pleasantly surprised that the  visibility of the Hesper and Madeira were around 25 to 30 feet. 


Phil Kerber did take video of the Charlie Anchor.  We performed a project back in 2008 to secure the anchor by drilling a hole in the granite rock below to secure it to the bottom with a pinch bolt and chain to make sure it isn't taken by salvers.  The idea is that if someone were to ever steel the anchor, the historical site would be lost forever.


We also had to prepare the boat for the biggest underwater project the GLSPS sponsors. the Mc Cargoe Cove Harbor Survey on Isle Royale National Park.


We repaired the port engines tachometer which hasn't been working.  Faria Gauge Company sent us two brand new tachometers at no charge to attempt to repair the problem with both tachometers.  This took care of the right tachometer but the left tachometer acted the same as it always did.  Instead, the transducer / sender on the port engine turned out to be the culprit in this case.


We installed the Scuba compressor on-board.  This was after the filters were serviced changed and all oil was changed in both gas engine and compressor by Phil's Quality Automotive Inc. at  763-420-2059.   Then shipped up to SIlver Bay MArina to install back on Board the boat.  The water muffler was also redesigned to sit better on the rear deck and painted white to look like it belongs on the R/V Preservation.


To learn more about the project, please click on the link button below.




Documentation, Photo And Video Practice Project






 Thank you to all that joined us on this learning project.  You not only learned more about video and photos but you also learned about boat handling and certain maintenance and other operators requirements we do every time we use the boat.



Hope to see you on the next GLSPS project.


Bob Nelson

Project Leader