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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

News Stories

The GLSPS Starts Seasonal Work on thier Research Vessel The R/V Preservation

Published on 5/18/2012

The GLSPS has designated two weekends to perform the needed tasks to prepare the R/V Preservation for the upcoming season of projects.   The two weekends scheduled are May 19 -20, and May 27 - 29, 2012.


We had a few things to get done this year.  To see this list and the tasks that we are doing and complete please click on link button provided below.


R/V Preservation Work Weekends & Membership - BBQ 2012



Much work and expense goes into the R/V Preservation to help perform the necessary preservation and documentation projects we schedule every year.  We try to make it challenging and rewarding to help us do any of the needed tasks on the boat.  Where else would you be able to learn anything from mechanics to electrical wiring or just plain maintenance of a boat but with us from the GLSPS.


We did most of the mechanical work on the boat  the first weekend.  If we didn't complete all of our tasks the first weekend we moved it to the next weekend.  The second weekend we mostly focus on the boat bottom and cosmetics of the boat.  We like to keep the boat looking good for this boat represents the Society.  We need to keep everything up to date on the boat to keep it reliable and functional on every project we schedule.   Many people come to help us on the boat.  So all tasks are eventually completed.


After most or all of the tasks are completed, we schedule the boat to launch for the season.  This year and mostly the same weekend every year,  we launch our boat the first weekend in June.  (June 2 - 3, 2012).


To reward those members that come out to help us on the boat, the GLSPS schedules a Cruise and BBQ on the Sunday of the weekend we launch the boat.  All members are invited to this event.   We send a notice out to the entire membership!  As a member, you do not want to miss this one.  Fun was had by all!


The GLSPS Board of Directors would like to thank everyone that helped us complete all the tasks to prepare the boat for the season.


If you and a friend would like to help us prepare the boat, or make yourself available to work on it at any time we do additional work during the season, please let any of the board of directors know by clicking on the "Contact Us" field on the left side panel of the GLSPS website.


Thank you again for your support and we hope to see you (members) on a project this year.

 Ken Knutson
Boat Chairman