of the
S.S. Meteor!
All Hands on Deck!!
Please Register for the 19th Annual 2023 S.S. Meteor Project
Work Weekends ASAP!
Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society (GLSPS)
Superior Public Museums (SPM)
Wisconsin Underwater Archaeology Association (WUAA)
PLEASE NOTE: There is not any requirement to be a member of the organizations listed above to join us for this project.
However, we certainly encourage you to become a member of your favorite organization, or all of them.
We will be Sponsoring the "Nineteenth" Annual S.S. Meteor Preservation Project, Saturday and Sunday, April 29 and 30, 2023. There are others that arrive Thursday and Friday April 27 & 28, 2023.
Everyone is welcome to join us earlier if they so desire. Please Note: The special price at the Barkers Inn for lodging is only secured for Friday and Saturday nights. Any other days are your responsibility.
This is a very worthy cause and if we don't continue to preserve this one-of-a-kind Whale-back ship, it could be lost forever!
Please join us in preserving one of the only "Whale-back Ships" remaining in the world!
We are looking for a few good men and women to help stabilize and preserve the
Please Click on Above Pictures to Enlarge
2022 - SS Meteor Project Photos
Requirements / Recommendations:
1.You must be 16 years of age or older. (Unless other arrangements are made)
2.Have your own Medical Insurance.
3.This is a project that requires the ability to do both light and heavy physical work.
4.Please bring any of your own safety equipment such as safety glasses, respirators, masks, knee guards, gloves, coveralls, shoes, boots, hats, and warm clothes. Optional: Hardhat.
5.A liability release form from SPM will need to signed and handed into the staff before anyone can start working on the suggested tasks.
6. Please Note: Some tools will be provided. Such as, paint scrapers, brushes, wiping rags, cleaners, and some respirator masks (Limited Quantity). Please bring your own if you prefer a certain brand and that they are in good shape to provide adequate safety. We highly recommend and most often require a full respirator mask with separate filters. Please purchase your own for sanitary reasons. Who would want to use a mask that someone else used?
To speed up the process, please click on the link button below to print, read, agree, sign the Liability Release Form and bring with you to hand into the SPM Staff.
This project is the 19th Annual. The last eighteen years we put this Project together, we had a great turn out. Except for the year of the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020, which we still had but had to reduce the size to no more than ten volunteers. We broke a record of 100 volunteers in 2014. We have an average of 50 plus volunteers for this event every year! The Superior Public Museum's Board of Directors and the City of Superior WI are very appreciative with the efforts of all the organizations that helped make this project successful! Let’s try making this event another successful year!
Please Note: The below Task List will be much smaller this year because of the number of volunteers we are allowed by the state. Although the list could be updated right up to the day before the Project!
The below list is the 2023 task list and will be updated two weeks before the project. A scouting trip/walk-through is scheduled for April 1, 2023. Please check back after this date to see the most current task list for 2023.
S.S. Meteor Preservation Project Work Weekend
Task List
Updated 4/11/2023.
Red = safety issue
Names in Bold Letters are Crew Chiefs
For trial reasons only, we are going to implement an experiment with a new way to sign up for a task (s) of your choice, based on your skill level. This is not required this year but, if you have the time, please take a moment to fill it out and submit the signup Worksheet/form. This will only be for research for next year. Here is the link to the Task Signup and Skills Worksheet.
SS Meteor 2023 Tasks Signup Worksheet
Water Leak Stoppage
1. Pilothouse roof
a. Radar hoop base needs caulk fully removed and new caulk applied. Apply special waterproof caulking – NP1. Ken Lillemo and Crew Chief Dean Soderbeck.
b. Holes need to be drilled on the port and starboard side lips of the pilot house to allow for drainage. Add water to the roof first to determine the lowest spots. Ken Lillemo and Crew Chief Dean Soderbeck.
2. Shaft Alley lubrication tube water leak – seal, possibly with epoxy putty. (ID about 1.5” and OD about 2” – see Dara’s additional photos.) Crew Chief = Dale Koziol. Dara may be the crawler helper.
3. Starboard side pilot house door had a padlock ripped off – doors need repairs.
4. Pilot House port side entry door not closing tight – water leaks indoors need to be tightened by repositioning (using a large come-along?) and/or installation of a thicker seal (these have not been replaced – there is gasket material available).
5. Crews deck – Captains Quarters – tighten port holes to keep water out.
6. Steering Room - determine where water is coming in and weld. (Same issue as the leak in the ship’s stores room 40.) (See Dara)
7. 2022 Tim/Randy Leak List – locate and weld or seal the smaller water leaks (see the list and associated photos). These were identified on the inside, but not the topside yet. Could use a team to do leak-finding (3-person ideal – water handler, note-taker, person inside).
8. Craig David’s leak list – determine what is left to do.
9. City water pipe leak – There is water flowing in from the city water pipes inside the ship – assess and address. Dale Koziol
10. Rear turret – find leaks and weld.
11. Peak Tank by prop shaft in lower engine room leaking into the bilge (assess areas other than the lubrication tube) – assess and report
12. Aft Turret Door – The door is very warped. See how we can tighten or reseal with thicker weather stripping.
13. Mechanical/hydraulic vent in front of two largest vents by benches on the aft deck – check to see if water can be getting in here:
Welding Repairs (Craig David)
14. The walkway railing rusted off on the Starboard side, and the decks both have rusted through (pilot house level and captain’s room level). Big safety issue.
15. Crew quarter deck under starboard aft exterior – very rusted. A large plate will need to be welded in. Design and plan what we need for materials and locate them for next year. Or if Craig has the material already, start the process of welding in new steel plates. Ask the shipyards if they want to donate any steel plating (Megan will ask).
16. Check for a possible hole in the starboard hull under “Exit Doors” (See Dara). Assess this year.
Painting (Crew Chief = Russel Leitz)
17. Room 11 (Second Mate) – small spot on the wall below the porthole that is peeling
18. Room 17 (Officer’s Mess) – ceiling and floor
19. Room 19 (Galley) – aft end of the port wall, and possibly ceiling
20. Room 21 (Crew’s Mess) – ceiling and floor
21. Room 23 (hallway) – ceiling
22. Room 25 (4-8 Room) – ceiling
23. Room 26 (8-12 Room) – ceiling
24. Room 27 (crew room) – ceiling
25. Room 28 (12-4 Room) – ceiling
26. Room 30 (2nd Cook & Porter) – ceiling
27. Room 31 (rear turret) – mold removal, then paint walls, ceiling, line (rope) locker 28. Room 40 (pantry) – walls, ceiling, possibly shelving.
29. Room 42 (hallway in front of steering gear room) – section of port wall
30. Deck Cowl Vents (whichever needs work) – interiors (red) – repair caulk if necessary first
31. Railings (last priority) – if there is time, scrape and sand to prep for student volunteers.
(Painting map at end)
32. Wire hanging down on starboard side – cut off flush (The wiring sticking out is raising some concern with folks taking the tour). Russ Leitz
33. Pigeon nests on Foam Deck – remove. Rick Schmidt
34. Dumbwaiter – adjust where it is sitting so you cannot see under it during tours, and clean under it if possible (dead pigeons, broken dishes, etc.)
35. Jagged metal under dumbwaiter on the floor – it is sharp and needs grinding off – safety issue. (See Dara)
36. Crews mess hall – Remove corkboard (check with Megan – throw away or store?)
37. Engine room vents – knock off loose rust from the damper and clean up residue on the floors under the vents. This is an odd job that can be assigned to someone who needs something to do.
38. Concrete in hallway 40 by steering room – fix. (Tripping hazard). Dean Soderbeck
39. New motor – Mount motor to jacking gear of steam engine into the lower engine room. Dale Koziol (Crew Chief)
40. Lifeboat covers – they have ripped at pressure points – strengthen them in the areas that rub. Dale Koziol will get Bernard (of BE Design) to look at them.
41. Fencing around the smokestack on the aft deck – check to make sure it is keeping pigeons out. Dale Koziol
42. Engine Room Oil Pan – Assess water drain holes drilled last year for plugging or size adjustments needed. Dale did that last year – the hole may not be big enough – he’ll check this.
43. Steering Gear Room clean up – this room has old debris/trash, oil, and water. Dispose of trash, wipe off the areas that are most easily seen by tours, and further assess for more thorough cleaning later (make a recommended cleaning and oil disposal plan).
44. Cupboards forward of the main engine room – Assess what’s in there, and see if anything is collecting moisture, leaking, causing other problems, etc. (See Dara) Ken Lillemo
45. Tool Room / Workshop – clean up and add toolboxes and tools. Aaron Kivisto
46. Wood molds (casting patterns) – move to dump area and cleanup dump area. (Could they be donated to other locations? Determine this later.) (See Dara) Jim and Tyler Christian?
47. Scotch Cap Display Case – remove. Megan will talk to Clayton – they are working on moving it.
48. Madeira Display – dismantle. (See Megan)
Annual Tasks (many of these were taken from an old list – remove if SPM staff do, or if not needed)
49. Replace burnt-out lightbulbs – Aaron
50. Scupper plugs – tighten before pressure washing. Replace any worn-out ones. (There are 7 or 8 new ones available).
51. Pressure wash ship. Rick Schmidt? (and possibly Jimmy C?)
52. Water in the bilge – Plug in all water pumps
53. Prop set-up (including making beds) – Margie
54. Polish all brass in the engine room, pilot house, and chart room
55. Clean staff office and area
56. Clean exhibit areas – sweep, dust, vacuum
57. Clean exhibit glass inside and out
58. Clean glass on all port holes and other windows
59. Vacuum all areas that need it (especially on tour routes)
60. Clean restrooms
61. Steam engine – lubricate moving parts
62. Whistle air compressor – service as needed
Painting Areas Map
Leaks Located in 2022
(there are photos that go with these leaks – use the QR code or the link.)
L 1
FWD Hatch over wooden stairs
26 Paces FWD of Main Entrance
L 2
FWD Hatch in Maint. Workshop
18 Paces FWD of Main Entrance
L 3
AFT Hatch in Maint. Workshop
15 Paces FWD of Main Entrance
L 4
Hatch over Men's Bathroom
10 Paces FWD of Main Entrance
L 5
STBD Vent Tube- Display Room
Abean Main Entrance
L 6
PORT Vent Tube Display Room
5 Paces AFT Main Entrance
L 7
Both Center Vent Stacks
24 Paces AFT of Main Entrance
L 8
AFT Model/Display Room PORT Vent Tube
31 Paces AFT of Main Entrance
L 9
AFT Model/Display Room STBD Vent Tube over Model Display case
31 Paces AFT of Main Entrance
L 10
PORT Vent Tube in Bar Room
Small Leak
L 11
Model Display Room Suction Tube STBD of Centerline
L 12
Pump Room Doors Leaking from Deck (Both Sides)
Oil Bunker
L 13
PORT Side Boiler Room Ventilator Large Snow/Water Leak Rusted Vent
L 14
PORT & STBD Engine Room Vent Plug
Small Leak
L 15
AFT Wall Top of Pantry Storage Shelves
Large Leak from Deck
L 16
Major water damage, may be associated with leak # 15
L 17
Rudder Room STBD Vent Leak
L 18
3rd Cook & Porter Cabin FWD Porthole
Gasket, Seal?
L 19
3rd Cook & Porter Cabin Ventilator
Deck Weld?
L 20
Boat Deck Door
Needs Weather Stripping
L 21
13 to 4 Buck Room AFT Porthole
Seal/Gasket or caulk
L 22
Smokestack FWD & FWD PORT Edge
L 23
Stewards Bathroom Ventilator Seal
On deck outside of Tube (see Tim Pranke)
L 24
Captain's Bunk Leak
Possibly Deck/Cabin Interface
L 25
Pilot House Stair Leak
Origin Unk. (Severe)
L 26
Chart Room AFT Door
Re-Caulking Needed
L 27
Whistle Cable Conduit
Repair-Reseal, water entering cabin wall
L 28
Captain's Bunk Porthole and Captain's Office Porthole Gaskets
Need Replace
L 29
Port side aft stern hull plate rusted out at ground level
Leaks a lot of water into ship and needs to be welded or epoxy treatment (see Tim Pranke)
Please Note: Any cargo holds and other areas that need cleanup, will not take place without SPM Personnel Present!!
*If you are a leader of a task during the project work weekend and, you were assigned to bring supplies and equipment, please let Phil K or Megan Meyer know who you are and what you were assigned to.
The large list of tasks continues to grow as the project draws near.
More will be added, please check back later.
Masks/respirators are highly recommended - Although most of the the time you will need to be wearing a safety respirator during the work weekend inside the Meteor while working because of the dust and painting. Please be aware of your environment and if you need to step out for a breath of fresh air, please do so as many times as you need.
Date: Saturday and Sunday, April 29 and 30, 2023
(Ship will be open at 8:00 AM for early riser's and set up). Some folks will be at the Meteor as early as Thursday morning. You are welcome to join us earlier if you like.
Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Saturday and 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Sunday or until …….
(Saturday: 9:15 AM for the Project Briefing)!! Please be present for the briefing!! (The briefing will take place inside the ship).
Where: S.S. Meteor Whale-Back Museum in Superior Wisconsin on Barkers Island.
Breakfast: You will be on your own. Everyone is welcome to join us at the Perkins Restaurant (Near the Meteor) both mornings for Breakfast at 7:00 AM.
Lunch: Lunch will be provided by Bellisio's at 12 Noon. We will also be taking a group photo at this time. Please be a lunch on time.
Buffet Dinner: Will be located at the Barkers Island Inn Restaurant (near the Meteor) provided by the City of Superior. Starting at 6:00 PM Social 1/2 hour and then Dinner by 6:30 PM (BYOB)
Lodging: Free lodging is available but limited. We can provide space for some people in various campers, boats, and houses around the area free of charge, based on a first come first served bases. Please let us know if you need free lodging ASAP! Barkers Island Inn / Hotel is offering a $89.00 per night room special only for the S.S. Meteor project participants. (Rooms available after April 10, 2023 and until April 26, 2023). Please reserve your room ASAP for they only blocked out a certain amount of roomsat this point. Please mention "The Whale-back Clean up" to receive your special room discount. Their phone number is, 715-392-7152
Please Note: If you are staying in any of the campers or boats, please bring your sleeping bag, pillow, and other sleeping accommodations. If you are staying at a marina, the showers are most likely open for use. Please bring your own soap and towel.
If you prefer to stay in another Hotel, there are a few smaller and inexpensive Hotels in the local area. Please Google “Hotels Superior Wisconsin” Mention you are there for the Whale-back Project. Some hotels will give you a discount.
This year’s Saturday night Get-Together and Buffet Dinner will be held at the Barkers Island Restaurant (Not far from the Meteor). Please bring your own beverages. (BYOB).
You can also ask the SPM staff of the Museum for a custom tour of both the Fairlawn Mansion Saturday evening and the Whale-back Ship you normally don't see on a regular summer tour!
If you are interested in volunteering, please register for the project by clicking on the "Register Now" button in the upper right-hand corner of this page. Follow the step by step directions. Or, by contacting the Chairman of the event, Phil Kerber or, the Director of SPM Megan Meyer. Contact information for both Phil and Megan are below.
Please register ASAP, this will help us determine the headcount for the food and provide email communications for any additional information attendees need to know about the project.
Please confirm your attendance ASAP!
Thank you very much for your time.
Hope to see you there.
Phil Kerber
President - Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society
S.S. Meteor Project Chairperson
Megan Meyer
S.S. Meteor Project Co-Chairperson
Director - Superior Public Museums