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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

HomeEventsThomas Wilson Zebra Mussel / Monitoring / Survey / Cleanup

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Only 1 Spot(s) Left
Thomas Wilson Zebra Mussel / Monitoring / Survey / Cleanup

Date and Time

Saturday, September 17, 2011, 8:00 AM until Sunday, September 18, 2011, 5:00 PM


Meeting at Spirit Lake Marina at 7:00 AM. Boat leaves by 8:00 AM.
121 Spring Street
Duluth, MN  
(218) 628-3578

Event Contact(s)

Todd Olson


GLSPS Events

Registration Info

Registration is required before Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 12:00 AM
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Must meet Level 3 and 4 on parts of the Project.
All Liability and Waiver forms need to be signed.


8 Total Slots
1 Available Slot(s)

About this event

Wilson Zebra Mussel and Documentation Project

This project is mainly for Monitoring the Zebra Mussel infestation in the lower Lake Superior Basin.  We also measure movement on the Wilson since it is close to the Duluth Harbor and ice heaves have been known to move parts of the ship.

We also pick up the trash around the perimeter of the Wilson.   

The diving level on this project is level 3, Advanced scuba diving certification.  We will be diving at depths of 56 to 70 FFW.  This will require a redundant air source such as a pony bottle either strapped to you tank or mounted like a stage bottle.  If you don't have one, we will provide a tank for you.  You will need to check your Buoyancy Compensator to see if it has D-Rings so that you can accommodate a stage bottle.  We will also provide Surface Supplied O2 for your safety stop at 15 feet.  There will be following the NO decompression schedules on the project!

Please Note:  Liability Waiver Forms are required for all Participants to print, read and sign before they can work on this project.  Please click here: Master Liability and Waiver Forms to print out your copy, bring with you to the project.

Below is a video taken by John Janzen on a one day Dive Trip to the Wilson on Jay Hanson's Dive Boat the "Wreckcreation"  His charter is called Superior Scuba Charters.

f you have any questions about the Wilson Project, please contact Todd Olson with any of the contact information below.

Todd Olson
Wilson Project Leader